National Fund for Municipal Workers

August update


Enjoy reading this edition of the monthly mailer, which includes an article on divorce claims submitted to the fund and the latest portfolio investment returns declared.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or require assistance with fund-related matters and as always ensure that we have your updated contact details, as this is the only way we can stay in touch!

Kind regards

Sean Samons
Principal Executive Officer

Indemnity statement

The National Fund for Municipal Workers does not accept liability for any loss, damage or expense that may be incurred as a direct result or consequence of reliance upon the information in this document. If there is any conflict between the information in this document and the actual Rules of the Fund, the actual Rules of the Fund will prevail.

Divorce claims – documentation required

The following documentation is required when a divorce claim is submitted to the fund;

  1. The completed Divorce agreement claim-form (A020)
  2. Supporting documents to be attached;
  • Certified copy of the compliant divorce court order and settlement agreement;
  • Certified copy of the member’s ID;
  • Proof of the non-member spouse’s personal tax reference number (any communication from SARS stating the tax number);
  • Proof of non-member spouse’s banking details e.g. recent bank statement with a stamp from the bank (not older than 3 months) or a letter from the bank confirming the banking details not older than 3 months) or a cancelled cheque;
  • Proof of non-member spouse’s residential address e.g. utility account, letter from employer confirming the physical address or clothing account. If a member is co-habiting with a third party home owner, the home owner should complete a confirmation of residential address by Co-habitant home owner-form and supply together with the abovementioned documents.

Please note;

The fund can only make a payment in terms of the divorce court order, if the divorce court order complies with ALL the legislative requirements as set out in section 7(8) of the Divorce Act, 1979, including ordering the payment to be made the fund.

The following forms, must also please be completed and submitted to fund in order to update the member’s record;

Personal details change-form

Nomination for death benefit-form

Registration for qualifying dependants for the funeral benefit-form

Members are encouraged to always obtain professional legal advice.

<p> Latest portfolio returns (July 2017) </p>

Capital Protector: 0.86%

Stable Growth: 1.91%

Capital Growth: 2.93%

Aggressive Growth: 3.27%

Sha’riah: 2.60%

NFMW Wishes you a happy SPRING

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Please contact the fund's offices on (012) 743 3000 or (021) 816 9500 or click here, if you wish to register for the website interactive service. The registration process can take 5 to 10 working days  to complete.